Ignalina Tour


Somewhere around the oldest and with no doubt the most beautiful National park at the northeast Lithuania, another fascinating monument stands proudly waiting for its visitors. Unfortunately, not a lot of people know that now it is open for knowledge-thirsty tourists and locals who were at least a bit interested in the thing which is vital for probably all of us.

The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant is almost entirely closed and safe to be visited. PlayBaltic is ready to offer you this truly unique experience that will take you almost a whole day which, by the way, can’t be better spent. The journey begins in Vilnius and during the two-hour drive to Ignalina town, you will be able to stop and admire the most beautiful sights this part of Lithuania has to offer as you drive through the Aukstaitijos National park. The diamond and the heart of this park is undeniably the forest of Labanoras along with its lake and the town of the same name with cute houses and a spectacular wooden church.

As you reach the leading point of your destination – the nuclear power station – the whole atmosphere and mood changes completely. You will be greeted by the serious faces of workers and the guard who will not let you in without the ID. The whole nuclear station reminds us of the time in the end of the 20th century during which it was built – nothing has changed a lot. Your journey will begin by entering through the special metal detector gates and proceed by you showing special permissions to enter. Afterwards – the fun part begins! You will change to special clothes: exactly those that the specialists at the nuclear plant wear while working. Even though there is no real threat to your health at the station right now, the staff will take extra care of you so you would be perfectly safe all throughout the tour.

And the tour begins! During the walk along the white corridors with lots of doors of secret coded cabinets, the guide will tell you the history of the biggest nuclear power plant in the world which is marked in the book of Guinness World Records. You will be introduced with the basics of how does the power plant work, what reactions are vital for the energy to form and what enormous work must be done in order to close it. All of this while walking around the premises where huge reactors are located, the turbines are dismantled and where the main reactor control is situated.

Do not hesitate to ask! Our guide is the happiest when interested people are not afraid to show it. We are sure that you will get answers to the most complicated questions as well as get the new, incredibly interesting information as you listen.

After the tour another new experience is waiting for you as you enter a special machine that will assure your health and radiation levels are perfect and wish you to have a great day.

For the last part of your incredible day you will get two options: visit the authentic nuclear power station restaurant and café for the last energetic experience around Ignalina, or visit a restaurant further away from the station that is incredibly famous for Tree Cakes (lit. Šakotis). If you are hungrier for new adventures than for the actual food – try the Tree Cake making experience where the professionals will teach you the art of this exciting treat!

The day at Ignalina and around will definitely be a day well spent with PlayBaltic!

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